Iron County
Human Services Department & Associates

Juvenile Court Intake
The Wisconsin Juvenile Justice System serves children between the ages of 10 and 17 years who have been alleged to have/or have committed a delinquent act(s). Children who receive juvenile court referrals from law enforcement work with social workers who function as juvenile court intake workers. Following initial intake inquiries, the legal process can proceed in a variety of ways including deferred prosecution or referrals to the Iron County District Attorney’s Office.
Matters held in Juvenile Court occur in closed court (not open to public) and juvenile records are confidential. When court proceedings are initiated, juveniles are automatically referred to the Wisconsin State Public Defenders Office. Any questions related to court proceedings can be directed to the Juvenile Court Clerk at 715-561-4084.
In Iron County, your local office is located at
300 Taconite Street
Hurley WI 54534
on the second floor of the Court House.