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Caretaker Supplement

Wisconsin’s Caretaker Supplement (CTS) is a cash benefit available to parents who are eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments. Caretaker Supplement pays cash only to eligible parents. This benefit is meant to help disabled parents care for their children. Caretaker Supplement benefits are $275 per month for the first eligible child and $165 per month for each additional eligible child (WDHS 2024).

This program can be applied for through Wisconsin's ACCESS website and can be accessed by clicking HERE. Or you can request a paper application by calling the Northern Consortium call center at 1-888-794-5722 and speaking with an child care specialist, apply over the phone at the same number, or by requesting an in-person appointment either over the phone or at your local human services office.

In Iron County, your local office is located at

300 Taconite Street

Hurley WI 54534

on the second floor of the Court House.


Information About Caretaker Supplement (CTS). Wisconsin Department of Health Services (WDHS). 27 March 2014. Retrieved 8 September 2014.

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