Iron County
Human Services Department & Associates

Child Abuse & Neglect Investigations and Preventative Services

The purpose of Child Protective Services (CPS) is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of children by encouraging the reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect. CPS also assures that the appropriate protective services are provided to the abused and neglected children and to their families, as well as protecting children from further harm. Services are also provided to support
families and restore the effects of child abuse and neglect. When ever possible, CPS works to promote the well-being of the child in his or her own home setting, or in another safe and stable placement.
Workers assess for parental protective capacities, present danger threats, impending danger threats, and, when necessary, create protective plans to assure the safety of the children involved.
In Iron County, your local office is located at
300 Taconite Street
Hurley WI 54534
on the second floor of the Court House.